Freedom from CPAP, Freedom from snoring and OSA
FreePAP rhymes with CPAP, but the two couldn't be more different. It's a new paradigm in OSA treatment. Welcome to freedom from restrictive and uncomfortable masks, freedom from hoses, loud machines, and dirty CPAP equipment. We set out to develop the best and most personalized treatment for sleep apnea and snoring. Our therapy only tries to support our natural airway passages and muscles as comfortably as possible.
Disclaimer: THIS DEVICE IS NOT FOR SALE. Any claims here have not undergone clinical investigation or been investigated by the FDA. This device has not been tested or approved for use in humans, nor has it been approved by the FDA. Any information presented here is for potential investment into a new medical device company.

About OSA
What's the problem with snoring?
Snoring is ruining our sleep…And even worse it is destroying our health and our lives. For many people snoring can get so bad it progresses to something called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) where it can cause intermittent airflow blockage during sleep which causes you to repeatedly start and stop breathing while you sleep. OSA occurs when the muscles in the back of your throat relax. These muscles support the soft palate, the tonsils, and upper airway dilator muscles, the side walls of the throat and the tongue.
When the muscles relax and lose tone, your airway narrows or closes as you breathe in. You can't get enough air, which can lower the oxygen level in your blood. Your brain senses your inability to breathe and briefly rouses you from sleep so that you can reopen your airway. This awakening is usually so brief that you don't remember it. You might snort, choke or gasp. This pattern can repeat itself 5 to 30 times or more each hour, all night, impairing your ability to reach the deep, restful phases of sleep. These pauses in breathing (apnea) cause lower blood oxygenation (hypoxia) and carbon dioxide retention (hypercapnia) and cause your brain to startle yourself awake through the sympathetic nervous system. These repeated episodes of poor oxygenation and sympathetic nervous system responses become severely detrimental to our health.
Our Solution
We have developed an oral appliance that helps support airway patency and treats OSA by creating an airway channel that follows and conforms to each patient’s individual anatomy.
Each device is custom made for each patient utilizing state of the art 3D scanning and printing technologies.
Truly and literally the most custom fit oral appliance on the market. An opportunity to give alternatives to those who cannot tolerate CPAP and mandibular advancement devices.
A suitable treatment for nearly all facial structures and dentition types.
There is no pressure of wearing a mask, or no stress on the dentition or jaw. The mouthpiece is molded and fitted to the patient's entire upper dentition and palate.
FreePAP requires no electricity, has great custom fit, and is easy to use.

FreePap helps treat OSA and improves snoring by the airway channel of the device maintaining airway patency. FreePAP is a revolutionary oral appliance. It has the stability and anchoring benefits of a mandibular advancement device (MAD) but does not pull on the teeth or lower jaw.

Step 1: Initial Consultation
For those who experience partial airway obstruction commonly referred to as snoring but not OSA, we do strongly recommend a home sleep apnea test prescribed by your primary care or sleep physician to rule out OSA. If you believe you only experience snoring and not OSA, or if a sleep study has confirmed you only snore without OSA, continue to Step 2.

Step 2: Impression
For our user's who only experience snoring but not OSA, we can build your anti-snoring device from the comfort of your own home. We will send you an impression kit for your upper dentition and palatal vault. In order to make your FreePAP with the best fit and most comfortable possible we will need your impression to include all of your remaining teeth and as much of your palatal vault and hard palate as possible. If this is difficult for you, we can refer you to a dentist that will make a physical impression or use an intraoral 3D scanner.

Step 3: Getting used to your FreePAP
Stage 1 is similar in size to a denture. This first stage should be worn for 1-2 hours before bed time. While wearing your new FreePAP, you should engage in relaxing activities like reading or watching your favorite shows. You are creating positive associations with your device that will ultimately help you sleep better. It is not necessary to sleep with your FreePAP yet, but if you feel comfortable enough with your device to sleep with it, feel free to do so.
Let's Chat
FreePAP is currently seeking simple agreement for future equity (SAFE) investments as we build our team and hire key roles to bring this exciting new patented technology to the world. Please reach out and connect with us to inquire about investment in our new snoring and OSA treatment.